Legislative Context
The Equality Act 2010 replaces previous anti‐discrimination laws with one single act. The public sector Equality Duty came into force on 5 April 2011 and applies to public bodies including schools.
It supports good decision making by ensuring that schools consider how different people will be affected by their activities. We must under the general duty of public sector equality duty, in the exercise of our functions, have due regard to the need to:
Eliminate discrimination. harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this act.
Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not.
Foster good relations between persons who share relevant protected characteristics and those who do not.
Protected characteristics cover:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and Civil Partnership (but only in respect of eliminating unlawful discrimination)
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Race ‐this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality
- Religion or Belief ‐this includes lack of belief
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
Commitment to Equality & Diversity
Dr Challoner’s High School is committed to ensuring equality for every person in the school community, regardless of age, disability, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, religion/belief and race. The school acknowledges the value of being multicultural and multilingual. We seek to remove any barriers to access, participation, attainment and achievement. We promote diversity and community cohesion at school, in local, national and global levels. We aim to reflect the diversity of our local community and society and ensure that the education we offer recognises and celebrates different backgrounds, lifestyles, cultures and identities.
Our Aims and Values
Challoner’s High aims to provide:
- an environment which stimulates and motivates students
- an education that realises the full potential of every student
- an atmosphere in which everyone flourishes, achieves, and feels valued
- a caring and well-behaved student population
- a workplace in which all staff feel valued and supported
- a compassionate and professional staff
- The values of Challoner’s High are grounded on respect for
- rigorous academic study and hard work
- diversity of achievement in all aspects of school life
- oneself and each other
- the community and the environment
Our Equality Objectives
- To provide an education that realises the full potential of every student
- To foster an atmosphere in which everyone flourishes, achieves and feels valued so that everybody feels they can contribute positively to the life of the school
- To promote a caring and well-behaved student population
- To celebrate diversity of achievement and experience in all aspects of school life
- To use performance data to monitor student achievement and respond to variations between groups of learners, subjects, courses and key stages, trends over time and comparisons with other schools
- To raise the awareness and skills of staff to promote fairness, equality and good relations in the context of their role
- To provide an environment that welcomes, protects and respects diverse people
Further details of our policy and approach, please see our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy.