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Curriculum Intent 

  • Our curriculum provides the best possible education for all our girls 
  • Our intent is to have a curriculum which is outstanding in its breadth and cohesion 
  • Girls study a wide range of subjects for as long as possible so they can be freed to be themselves by finding their passions and strengths 
  • We promote the joy of learning for its own sake whilst maintaining a tradition of excellence 
  • Our curriculum offers opportunities for finding joy in learning and for our girls to exhibit flair whilst achieving personal bests 
  • The challenge and breadth of our curriculum enables them to be bold, resilient and ready to shape the world 
  • All those who deliver this curriculum share their own joy and passion in their subject to encourage intellectual ambition through collaboration and a desire to balance academic achievement with personal development and wellbeing 

Our vision is to provide the best possible education for girls so our curriculum is designed to do just that.

We are passionate about the breadth of opportunity and strive to enable all girls to choose subjects that are right for them; providing challenge and supporting high aspirations. We believe girls learn best when they are valued, inspired, curious and happy.

If you would like further information about our curriculum, please contact our Deputy Head (Curriculum) and refer to our Curriculum Policy.

We pride ourselves on the skill and dedication of our teachers who encourage our students to strive for excellence and who share their knowledge and passion.

Activities outside the classroom are as diverse as our students. Enterprising students and enthusiastic staff run a spectrum of clubs and societies to suit everyone. Participation in charity events and community projects gives our girls a responsible attitude to the world around them, helps them to develop vital leadership and teamwork skills to shape that world.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Years 10 & 11

Sixth Form

Philosophy, Religion & Ethics

Relationships, Health and Sex Education and PSHE

External Assessment

Further Details and Articles of Interest

Exam Board Websites

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education)

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