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SEND Information


Our Aim and Overall Approach

At Dr Challoner’s High School, we strive for all girls to access the best possible education and to support the aspirations of each individual. We see each girl as a remarkable individual and aim to support both their learning in school and their confidence in themselves as young people, so that they are best ready for setting out to shape our future.

First and foremost, we look at the whole person holistically and tailor the guidance and support a pupil may need accordingly. Our overall approach in school is to ensure that learning needs are supported by high quality teaching in all subjects. For most students, this approach to quality teaching with specific targeted teaching strategies is enough to enable them to flourish. For others, extra support is put in place according to their individual need. The SEND department works very closely with the Pastoral team as we believe that a pupil’s wellbeing can often be inseparable from their educational need.

SEND Information Report 2024-2025

Links and Policies

The school follows the guidance in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice (2015) and has its own Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy:  

SEND Code of Practice: January 2015 

SEND & Disabilities Policy 

Other Related Policies 

Accessibility (394kb)

Accessibility Plan

Diveristy, Equity & Inclusion (394kb)

Supporting Pupils and school with medical conditions (314kb) 

Child Protection 

Intimate Care

Contact with Parents/Carers 

We encourage parents to contact the SEND team and try to involve parents as much as possible in the process of supporting their child. We keep parents informed of support and offer meetings where they are felt to be of benefit. We seek parental permission for all assessments carried out and aim to collaborate with parents as much as possible. To this end, we offer termly coffee mornings and the SENDCo is available for consultation at all parents’ evenings and a number of other information evenings throughout the year. 

School Contact 

School Key Contacts:   

SENDCo (Hayley Landon)  

Email: [email protected] 

Telephone: 01494 763296 

Named Link Governor:   Ms Evie Vennix


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