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External Resources


Childline    Web:  Call: 0800 1111 
Online or on the phone support. 

Kooth    Web:   
Free, private and confidential counselling service where you can be you. 

Hope Again    Web:   Call:  0808 808 1677 
Support for young people when someone dies. 

Mind    Web: Call: 0300 123 3393 Text: 86463 Email: [email protected] 
National charity which offers an excellent range of materials on all aspects of mental health. 

NSPCC Web: Call: 0800 1111

Refuge    Web:  Call:  0808 200 0247 
Help and support for young people affected by domestic violence. 

Safeline    Web:  Call:  0808 800 5007 
Young people’s helpline, helping survivors of sexual abuse and rape. 

Samaritans    Web:  Call: 116 123 E-mail: [email protected]  
Support if you are struggling or feeling unhappy  

The Mix    Web:  Call: 0808 808 4994 
Free, confidential support for young people under 25 via online, social and mobile 

Youngminds    Web:  Text: YM to 85258 
For children and young people's mental health 

Drugs and Alcohol: 
With You  
Provides information about drug and alcohol problems.  

Nacoa  0800 358 3456  
Providing information, advice and support for everyone affected by a parent’s drinking 

Eating Disorders: 
Beat Eating Disorders  0808 801 0677 
Offers online support, helpline and self-help groups for all types of eating disorders.  

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