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Welcome from Mr Roe Headteacher


A very warm welcome to Dr Challoner’s High School.

We are here to provide the best possible education for girls.  We are passionate about the breadth of aspiration and opportunity, and ensure that our girls are empowered with the skills, habits and attributes needed to thrive in the 21st Century and to contribute significantly to the world.

A leading selective grammar school for girls, Challoner’s High has a strong tradition of academic excellence, consistently placing in the top 30 in state school examination league tables and top in Bucks for academic progress (value added).  Judged by Ofsted as ‘Outstanding’, we subsequently became only the ninth school in the country to gain the Exceptional Schools Award.  Nearly all of our students choose to go to university, with most going to Russell Group institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge.

Beliefs so often shape reality.  For decades our values have led to a supportive, joyful and intellectually ambitious education.  We believe that girls learn best when all are valued, inspired, curious and happy.  We believe that all girls, whether naturally quiet or gregarious, can become confident, resilient and courageous; free to follow their own paths; discover their own passions and achieve their personal bests.  Therefore, at the heart of our school is a tightly-knit and highly purposeful community of students and teachers – a warm-hearted community characterised by compassion, commitment and a strong instinct for the fun, creative and clever.  

An infectious vibrancy and a generosity of spirit underpin Dr Challoner’s High School as a ‘home from home’ for 1290 girls aged between 11 and 18.  Our girls will shape the world over the coming decades and it is our mission to provide them with the best possible preparation, whilst also daily recognising that learning is inherently joyful.  

Alan Roe

The school feels less like a school and more like a family with everyone supporting each other to meet ambitious targets. 

It has been an amazing 7 years here, thank you all for making this school the amazing place that it is!

A welcome from our Head Girl, Kyla Harris

Welcome to Dr Challoner’s High School, my name is Kyla and I am delighted to be the Head Girl for 2024-2025. I am so proud to be a part of the incredible Challoner’s High community which enables each student to have a fulfilling academic and social life that sets them up for wherever their future takes them.

An excellent Head Girl Team has been selected who will dedicate time, effort and love to preserving the sense of community and solidarity present between all Challoner’s girls. Our aim will be to ensure that every girl has academic and social opportunities that she can throw herself into and can feel that she truly belongs.  I know I personally benefited from joining clubs and embracing all the house activities and it has made my time at school so much more memorable. Throughout my entire journey at Challoner’s High, I have felt a predominant theme of laughter and a sense of fun and I want to work towards ensuring every student has the same experience.

Over the coming year, we want to continue to celebrate the diversity of culture and heritage within our school through our events. We hope to grow the already excellent provision of extracurricular activities throughout the coming year, as well as preserving all the much-loved traditions of House competitions. The Head Girl Team want to ensure any concerns or ideas of students are listened to by amplifying student voices and directly incorporating the opinions of students into our decision-making process. It is hugely important to us that students feel heard and included by our team to truly make their experience here the best it can be.

It is undeniable that our school regularly obtains outstanding academic achievements and provides students with the utmost support through their school journey.  However, it is the wider Challoner’s High experience that truly makes it special.  Challoner’s High ensures each girl has the opportunity for a healthy balance between work and play and a chance to really embrace and celebrate their school years. It is in this endeavour that both myself and the Head Girl Team hope we can leave our mark.


"walking around the school, especially when doing tours, i feel very proud and lucky to be able to come to this school.  Year 8"

Students universally portray positive attitudes to learning, often inspired by top quality teaching Challenge Partners March 2023


We are delighted to be a founding member of the ICGS, a global network that is united in elevating women’s leadership worldwide by educating and empowering our students to be ethical, globally minded changemakers @girlsschools





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