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Governance and Annual Reports & Accounts



We are here to provide the best possible education for girls. Our tradition of excellence will never change but we are also passionate about the breadth of aspiration and opportunity.

At the heart of our inspirational school, we strive to free girls to be themselves whilst developing strong relationships. We believe girls deserve an environment that enables them to be confident, resilient and ready to contribute significantly to the world.


As governors, we have a responsibility to oversee the school’s strategy, ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. We oversee and monitor the school, including holding the headteacher to account, to ensure that Challoner’s High provides the best possible education for girls so that they will shape the world and to ensure the effective performance management of staff. We oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure that its money is well spent, including the pupil premium. We are also responsible for ensuring that the school fulfils its statutory duties.

In addition to full Governing Body meetings, we have four committees each with their own remits and responsibilities: Admissions, Curriculum & Pastoral, Resources & Risk and Personnel. Through these committees, we monitor the school’s performance, creating robust accountability, oversight and assurance.

Each governor specialises in a particular subject, an area of school activity and/or year group and provides a link back into the full Governing Body. We attend a variety of meetings and events to speak to pupils, parents and teachers to ensure we remain close to the school. We meet governors and staff from other schools to share best practice and keep abreast of what is happening elsewhere in education and we provide a link for parents and our local community.

We attend specialist governor training sessions to keep up to date with the requirements of our role and to ensure we are equipped to perform them. We give our time, experience and expertise voluntarily because we want to give something back and believe the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction will enable it to continue to provide the best possible education for girls.

Christine Preston
Chairman of Governors
The Governor Body Framework contains the following information for the efficient running of the Governing Board; School Vision and Values; List of Academy Trust members and Academy Directors/Governors; Declaration of pecuniary interests, committee memberships and terms of office; school term dates; school day timings; Committee Meeting dates; school events; Competency Framework; Governor Committee Annual Schemes of Work; Standing Orders for the Procedural Workings of the Governing Body; Committee Terms of Reference and the Governor Code of Conduct.  The Governors consider diversity when looking for new Governors to ensure the Governing Body is reflective of the school community.


Register of INTERESTS

Dr Challoner's High School is committed to ensuring that all Governors and Members understand and comply with their statutory and moral duties to avoid conflicts of interest, not to accept benefits from third parties, and to declare interests in proposed transactions or arrangements.

No Governor, Member, employee or related individual or organisation uses their connection to Dr Challoner's High School for personal gain, including payment under terms that are preferential to those that would be offered to an individual or organisation with no connection to the school.

To ensure that the highest level of standards are maintained, all Governors and Members complete a pecuniary interest declaration annually that is included in the school's register of interests which is published in the Governor Body Framework    document for inspection.

Mrs Christine Preston (Chairman of Governors) (Appointed Governor)

Tymon Broadhead (Appointed) (Vice Chair)

Mr Nick Canney (Parent)

Asha Harding (Co-opted)

Hannah Lane (Parent)

Nanci Lister

Fiona Mayhew (from March 2024)

Victoria McNeill (from December 2023)

Andy Milburn (Parent)

Mr Jeremy Rhodes (Appointed Governor)

Jonathan Simons (Parent)

Sheena Singla (Appointed)

Rebecca Swindells

Evie Vennix

Members of the Academy Trust

Freedom of Information

Governors' Service Terms

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Governor Body Framework

Scheme of Delegation

Annual Report & Accounts

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