Over the past couple of days, all of the Year 7 have been going on the fascinating school trip to St Albans. Everyone has had a lovely time and here are a few things that we did whilst we were there.
We went round the Cathedral and were told lots of history behind it. The tour guide told us that there were people who would come in the night and steal the gold that was on people’s tombs. This meant that they installed a watching post and the monks looked over the halls.
We had the opportunity to do some clay tiles and we each made up our own designs. This was super fun to do and the outcome was fantastic. We were able to take these clay tiles back to school but we have yet to paint them. (This is another thing to look forward to!)
After we had lunch we were told about pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. We realised that so much has changed since then and we were all given roles to play as pilgrims. We had elaborate costumes to put on and Mrs Callaghan was dressed as a nun! We had to decide what we were going to pray for when we were on our pilgrimage. Over all, the day was a lovely day out and all round, very interesting. It was fascinating to see how much we have adapted and also to learn lots about the past of St Albans.
Sophie Armitag