On 24th June, over 60 girls from year 9 travelled to Iceland. We were shocked by the cold, icy wind as we got off the plane.
When we arrived in Iceland we visited the hot springs. Next we went on coastal walk and we climbed up different parts of the cliffs despite the slippery and wet conditions. After that we went to the Blue Lagoon which was our highlight of the trip. The milky, blue, mineral water was heated by volcanic heat and we were able to use the silica mud masks around the lagoon on our faces.
We were staying in the Viking Hotel on the outskirts of Reykjavik. At meal times we tried different food some of which we enjoyed. Also at the hotel we were able to use the hot tub one night and other nights we had the opportunity to go on a walk around the town. On the first day, we visited the cathedral in Reykjavik and City hall.
Then we were able to explore the city and go to a variety of different shops. After lunch we went whale watching. We saw two minke whales and multiple dolphins within close proximity to the boat. On the final day, we went on the Golden Circle tour. First we visited the power station which uses volcanic activity to power the majority of electric-ity in Iceland. After that we visited two waterfalls- Gullfoss and a smaller one. We found them magnificent and were stunned by the scale and vol-ume of water. Next we visited the geysers which sprayed boiling water out of the ground every 2-10 minutes.
Finally, we visited a national park in between the two tectonic plates - the Eurasian plate and the North Ameri-can plate. The plates move 2cm apart every year. On Monday morning we woke up early for our flight and arrived back at Challoner’s at 3:30. We would like to say thank you to Mrs Cross for organ-ising our trip and to Mr Roe, Miss De Alwis, Miss Gibson, Miss Franklin and Mrs Grimsdale for taking us on this trip. We all had a great time! By Esther Coomber and Tabatha White .