July 8th 2016

On so many occasions this year we have written in the newsletter about the many wonderful things that happen at Dr Challoner’s High School. We have often talked about the ‘heart and soul’ that Challoner’s High has, the passions that make us unique. It can be difficult to articulate at times but we know that it exists! However, last week our school was treated to a truly spectacular event that exemplified perfectly that spirit. The production of ‘Lady of the Flies’ was written, directed and produced by one of our year 10 pupils, Emma Large. It was her brainchild that originated from her desire to make a difference to the other girls in the school. The production of course was based on the original storyline by William Golding but, following an assembly on how girls themselves could raise funds for the school, Emma decided to write and direct a play with an all- girls cast. She said that the idea came to her whilst travelling home in the car. We are very glad she did decide to go ahead. When she approached us with this idea we both had no doubt that it would be a roaring success.
Collaboration, leadership and superb organisational skills ensured that the many girls from several year groups worked together as a team to create a masterpiece. Many members of the audience commented on how astounded they were that this was all the work of the girls; as staff we can take little credit other than a little guidance and supervision. The cast, production, lighting and front of house teams all worked toward what appeared to be a flawless performance. It was a master class in what can be achieved through collective endeavour.
A big thank you to all who were involved, in particular of course, Emma, but she will no doubt say it was all to do with teamwork. The event raised £3400 for our school charity ‘Girls’ Gift’ and we will be asking the girls how they would like to see the money spent. We know they are keen to make a difference to their learning environment for the benefit of all. The true spirit of Challoner's was certainly palpable last week!
Amanda Meredith and Caroline Russell