Library Help—If any girls have books they would like to donate to the library, please bring along to the Library. Please also see the National Book Tokens competition to win £5000 of tokens for our library as the more entries we get the better obviously! http://www.nationalbooktokens.com/schools
Can you help? Would you (or your company) like to sponsor the Fun Inflatables at this year's Christmas Fayre on November 20th? They were so popular last year that the PA would like to hire them again. We are also looking for advertisers to include in our brochure. For more information, please contact [email protected]
Lost Coat—We have found a very nice coat, left in the Hall after a performance of Lady of the Flies, if it belongs to you, please email [email protected].
Summer Arts Festival—Our inaugural Summer Arts Festival is taking place on Thursday 14th July at 7pm. Bring a picnic and settle down in the amphitheatre for an evening of music, dance and drama. In addition to performances from all our school ensembles and a number of soloists, we are also asking Festival-goers to dust off their musical instru-ments and join in the DCHS Community 'Scratch' Orchestra for the evening's grand finale! If you're more of a thespian, perhaps you'd like to participate in workshops inspired by Comedia dell'Arte or Frantic Assembly or simply admire the Shakesperian acting from Junior Drama Club? Or get your dancing shoes on and enjoy some Brazilian Samba brought to you by the GCSE Dance students