At Challoner’s we believe that extra-curricular activities are vitally important in developing the ‘whole’ person. We aim to create rounded, balanced and enriched young women who not only exploit their aca-demic capabilities to the full, but also become involved in the extra-curricular life of the school.
The confidence and enjoyment gained from activities and achievements, and being part of a highly-motivated community, under-pin and partner academic success. Increasingly, universities and employers are becoming interested not only in the academic pro-file, but also in the extra-curricular activities undertaken, which reveal a lot about a student’s personality and skills.
The Physical Education Department are extremely proud of the fact that we currently offer 26 regular, high quality activities attracting in the region of 450-500 pupils per week. They are run by dedicated staff including outside expertise. Through a two-tier system offering we can accommodate the vast range of abilities in our clubs supporting both the recreational and the elite. Our GCSE Dance course, offered as a twilight session gives girls further opportunity to gain a qualification in an activity that they are passionate about. It is with the help of parental contributions, parent volunteers, Sport England initiatives (Sportivate), local chari-ties (Chance2Shine), the Bucks & MK Sport and Activity Partnership (LEAP) and funding from National Governing Bodies (England Athletics) that the department can offer such an array of activities. The provision helps to promote the core values of the school.
This academic year to date has been one of our best yet , reaching National Finals in Cross-Country, Swimming, Gymnastics and Indoor Rowing. We also made Regional Finals in Cricket and Table Tennis and County Finals in Badminton, Hockey and Netball. We are hopeful for a successful summer term and already have entries into a number of Athletics, Tennis, Golf, Cricket and Softball competitions and tournaments.
Each year we celebrate the commitment and excellence of our athletes at our annual Celebration of Sport event. This is a wonder-ful event bringing parents, pupils and the PE department together to applaud the dedication and successes of our sportswomen. I am very excited to announce that our special guest, who will be presenting the awards to the girls at the event this year, is Olympic gold medallist Denise Lewis OBE.
Denise Lewis is a retired British athlete. In 2000 at the Sydney Olympics, she won a Gold medal in the Heptathlon having previously won a Bronze medal in Atlanta 1996.
Denise has won numerous other accolades including two Silver medals at World Championships in 1997 and 1999, Gold at the European Championships and Gold at both the 1994 and 1998 Commonwealth Games. We are extremely lucky to have such a wonderful ambassador for women’s sport coming to Challoner’s.
Rachel Smet
Head of PE & Psychology Faculty