The Parents’ Association (PA) presented us with another huge cheque on Monday, this time for £13,000. The following day we received an update from Shop for Challoner’s (S4C) that the total raised so far this year is £18,790. With the Courtyard Café paid for and almost complete thanks to the generosity of our school community, the on-going tremendous fundraising of the PA and S4C will be spent on upgrades to toilets, something that has been identified by the girls as the most pressing current need. So please continue to support us, ‘As The Girls Can’t Wait!’
During the Half Term holiday, we got off to a good start, with a significant upgrade to the PE toilets and changing room now underway, including new flooring, fresh paint and a substantial increase in the amount of useable changing room space, to take into account the increase in the number of girls in the school. With your continued support, we will also be able to up-grade at least one toilet area in the Tower Block during the Summer Holidays. Dates for your diary include the PA’s Comedy Night on Friday 8th July and looking further ahead, the fabulous Christmas Fayre returns on Sunday November 20th. Thank you to everyone who is contributing to building a great school.
And now for something completely different. Last Friday I headed to rural North Wales with 69 Year 10 geographers. It was a great trip and a real pleasure to be able to spend quality time with the girls and an excellent staff team, led by Mrs Jones and ably supported by Mrs Barnett, Mrs Glen and Mrs Grimsdale. This was a true ‘old school’ Geography trip, with days spent up in the remote mountains paddling through rivers and walking around the back wall of a spectacular and well known hanging valley called Cym Idwal. Real character-building stuff, although when I mentioned this benefit to one of our biggest Year 10 personalities, quick as a flash she smiled and said, “Mr Roe, I probably already have more than enough character!”
The weather forecast was dreadful for the whole trip and we certainly started off with some heavy rain on the first day. However, despite continued bleak weather forecasts, we saw less and less rain and by Sunday it was largely dry with the sun breaking through very pleasantly. I explained to the girls that Weather tends to have a lot of respect for True Geographers – they had arrived on Friday in rain as mere Geography students but as the weekend had progressed they had become True Geographers! And the sun always shines on True Geographers.
Best wishes for a really good weekend.
Alan Roe