Year 9 Netball Starting Strong in 2016
on 13th January 2016 Dr Challoner’s played in a netball match against St Mary’s. It was our first match of the year and we were all very excited. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and played our best. It was a hard match but both teams came out with brilliant wins of 9-2 (A’s) & 12-3 (B’s). This was really impressive from both teams as we were playing in awful conditions and as a bonus, we finished the matches with no injuries! We had a great time and found it exhilarating but also beneficial to our play as teams. Ella Henry and Holly Martin were players of the match, but everyone played exceptionally well. Holly Martin, U14 Netball
Year 7 & 8 Netball v St Marys
Well played to all the girls, some were playing their first game for DCHS.. Year 7 lost 0 -1. Year 8—Team 1 lost 1 - 5 ; Team 2 won 4- 1 and Team 3 won 3 -2 Mrs Yeomans
On Monday 18th, the KS4 badminton team had their first match of the season, however the format was different to the previous 2 years due to an increase in entrants. We ended up playing a mini tournament against 2 other schools, Misbourne and Chalfont Community college. After waiting for one of our players to arrive late we managed to play all our matches, and win all 10 of them. This means that the KS4 team is able to progress to the County round of the tournament at Stoke Mandeville Stadium. Our team: Mia Hughes, Deepali Shirkay, Akshaya Kannan and Harshitha Shirkay.
On Monday, the KS3 team played a tournament against 3 teams, the Misbourne, Chalfont Community College and The Amersham School. We played 15 matches, 9 doubles and 6 singles and won every single one of them, which means the team will be moving on to the next stage. The players were: Lina Hughes, Ishita Mann, Paankhuri Bhatia and Jyotika Kannan. We played well as a team and are excited to move on to the county round at Stoke Mandeville Stadium.
Before Christmas, three of us from Year 11 applied to an external Inspire EDT (Engineering Development Trust) course. These highly sought after courses look to develop students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. With great help from staff in the school to support our applications and provide references, our applications were selected to be fast-tracked and we have now secured a place each on one of the courses run at a top university. Two of us attending Brunel and one, Queens Mary in London. To have three girls from the same school accepted onto this course is quite the achievement and we would like to thank everyone Challoner’s who helped make this possible for us. Emma Cross, Olivia Symonds and Charlie Black
Young Enterprise
'Telos' a YE group made up of 16 students from both Dr Challoner's High School and DCGS have written, designed and produced a student hand guide giving advice on situations faced by teenagers. Books cost £6.99 and will be available to purchase at the Year 9 Parents’ Evening.
Lecture Series
A huge thank you to our new Head of Development, Ms Julie Legge, for stepping in to speak at the Lecture Series this week. Ms Legge drew on her forty years careers experience to inform a truly insightful and fascinating talk. To begin she discussed her two personas, both personal and professional, using images from Face-book and LinkedIn accounts respectively. This showed sixth form the importance of having a professional online persona. Ms Legge touched briefly on her broad and varied experiences in marketing, beginning with a planned degree in French and Business Studies but explaining how most careers experiences and opportunities will be un-planned. She stressed the importance of being open and ready for whatever opportunities may come your way when it comes to the working world. The majority of Ms Legge's talk was devoted to discussing her experience in employment with charities, and the huge breadth of interests a job in this industry will cover- human rights, work-ing with animals, international development, IT and Comms and many more! Encouraging sixth formers to discuss their interests and where they may see them-selves adapting to work with a charity, this led to an interactive and insightful discussion. Thank you again to Ms Legge and next week's speaker will be Kim Birnie of Leap Ahead Business.
And Finally
'A huge congratulations and thank you to all the Year 8s who debate on a Wednesday lunch; they did so well and we were reminded of exactly why we run the club each week'
Suzie Murray and Saffy Truman (Year 12)