DCHS YR6 Games
On Tuesday we welcomed 7 schools to our Yr 6 Games and between them they bought 10 teams to compete across 7 sports. The CSLA have worked very hard all year to learn the skills necessary to organise and run such an event. Over 900 score cards were made and 322 certificates handed out. Led by the Yr 12 CSLA who arrived in school at 7.30am to build goals and make courts, the Yr10 Leaders were there to support! All the DCHS Leaders worked tirelessly to officiate all day to get the necessary 90 matches played in 4 hours. Congratu-lations to the Yr12 for organising and running such a seamless multi sport festival and a huge thank you to the Yr10 Leaders, for supporting us in such a professional way.
Abbie Deadman
Gymnastics. Abbie is flew to Orlando to compete against 47-gymnasts from the UK, South Africa, Bermuda, Canada and dozens of clubs from all over the USA. Abbie qualified for the finals in Beam, Floor & Vault - the first Chiltern gymnast to qualify for three separate individual finals in their history of going to these championships. Many congratulations to Abbie .
In their first year at DCHS, the Year 7 Netball Squad have proved themselves an outstanding team. The girls played exceptionally well throughout including becoming District champions, and qualified for the School Games County Finals at Bedgrove Park on Friday 1st July. The team played incredibly and won their matches against Beaconsfield High, Lord Grey and Aylesbury High. The girls gave 100% in every game they played, battling through injury and some tough competition; they were narrowly beaten into first place by Sir William Borlase and finished taking home the Silver medal.
A huge congratulations to the team; Anand Kaur, Dani Crosbie, Anya Douglas, Freya Sherlock, Erin Oszanlav, Emily Harris, Emily Jones and Lucy Dodd. Very well done girls!
British Airways ‘Get Girls Flying’ Event
On Tuesday 5th July we were incredibly lucky to host a fantastic event in conjunction with British Airways. Following a very successful Sixth Form Lecture Series with BA Pilot Julie Levy we were able to organise an opportunity for BA to bring down their mobile flight simulator for the day. Over 100 students across all year groups had the opportunity to fly on the simulator, there were a fair number of landings that just slightly missed the runway with Mr Roe landing on the terminal! In addition to the simulator a num-ber of pilots including 5 female pilots came down to chat to the girls about a career in flying, the highs (couldn’t resist), the perks and of course all the hard work needed to get there! British Airways are keen to encourage more girls to consider a career in flying and the event on Tuesday definitely sparked an interest for many Challoner’s Girls! A huge thank you to Julie Levy, British Airways and all the pilots who gave up their day off to come down! Nicola George, Director of Sixth Form
Year 7 Maths Challenge
All the year 7’s gathered in the lecture room to take part in a maths challenge. There were many challenges that tested their abilities in doing different maths problems. Once we had gathered they were split up into their house colours in order to participate in this challenge. Once we started you could feel the tension in each and every one of us. For the first we were given codes to decipher with an alphabet wheel to help. Each of these were different, one of them was a song by Justin Bieber, one was an extract from the Harry Potter book. It was hard but we worked as a team to crack the code. For the next challenge we were split into two teams within our house, groups A and B, to work through as many maths problems as we could within a time limit. It was a very fun event, but we did have to work hard in the process. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for Mr Phillips and the other teachers along with a few sixth formers lending a helping hand. Alicia Palomino 7L