Saying Goodbye
Last Friday was Year 13’s last day and, at about 10.15 am, staff were assembling at the back of the Hall in readiness to perform our Leavers’ Song to the waiting Year 13s. As teachers continued to arrive I became aware of Mrs McFadyen standing alone and deep in thought. I caught up with her and she confirmed that she felt very reflective, thinking right back to September 2009 when many of the girls who were now leaving had first arrived and she was their Head of Year 7. Now, seven years later, having shared in the lives of so many wonderful girls, Mrs McFadyen’s emotions reflected how many of our staff felt.
One of the great privileges of teaching is working alongside young people as they grow up and flourish from children to young women. It is hard saying goodbye but I know that Challoner’s staff are so proud of our Year 13s. Mrs Wells said, “My main thought about the whole year group is how compassionate they are and how supportive they are to the girls amongst their peers who need it.”
Year 13 have been an exceptional year group, with their character even being reflected by Muck Up Day. I was rather surprised and impressed by the sheer scale of the Jurrasic Park-themed ‘decorations’ and props throughout the school – the Tower Block was typical, resembling a rainforest, complete with authentic smell! The creativity, flair and sense of joy which are so character-istic of this group of girls shone through. Equally characteristic was the fact that the school was even more clean and tidy than the day before by 11 am! Days before, the girls had arranged crack clean-up squads complete with team leaders! If you want something doing well, ask Challoner’s girls to do it!
Wednesday’s Leavers’ Ceremony was a fitting farewell and an uplifting celebration of the girls who have enriched our school. As part of my speech at the end of the evening I passed on the following message from Mrs Meredith, “We started together, Year 13, and I can’t imagine Challoner’s without you. Together we have grown to love this place, its eccentricities, its originality and its just plain madness. A school is only as great as the people in it and you embody everything that is wonderful here. I wish you a lifetime of happiness and joy.” Mrs Meredith also suggested the following wisdom, “If all else fails – laugh!”
And so we wish our Year 13s the very best for their exams and ask them to please keep returning to Challoner’s over the coming years – it will always be their home from home. Stay in touch, let us know how you are doing and lean on us for help and advice if you need it.
Girls, be bold and courageous so that your lives burn brightly.
Alan Roe