It has been a pleasure to meet your daughters at the start of the new school year and to see Challoner’s burst back into life after the summer break. I have enjoyed my first two weeks even more than I could have hoped and am very pleased with the school’s highly purposeful, well organised and passion-filled start to the term.
Whilst driving home yesterday I reflected on my first two weeks at DCHS. I ought to explain that I am a ‘Top 5s’ man. With a bit of spare time on my hands, I regularly put together my Top 5 Films, Top 5 Songs or even my Top 5 Most Dramatic Mo-ments in Teaching! Yesterday as I drove home I constructed my Top 5 Highlights at Challoner’s So Far. The final list is as follows:
5. Breaktime in the Maths Office on Monday. The department’s Maths exam results are of national significance, as is their hospitality! I enjoyed the finest quality coffee courtesy of their new coffee machine – a gift from Phil Smith, who retired in the summer. I was also furnished with a lovely chocolate brownie crafted by Miss de Alwis, whilst Mr Grant held court and entertained the department with his anecdotes!
4. The Year 8 girl who I noticed go out of her way to pick up a used drinks carton from the path and put it in the bin. That one, unprompted, simple act said a lot about her as a person, and her commitment to her school.
3. At every turn, the Senior Team’s absolute desire to work on a daily basis to improve an already excellent school. Conver-sations time after time focus on how to move all areas of the school forward, whilst being punctuated by a healthy dose of wit and good humour!
2. My getting to know the staff chats. When time has allowed I have done laps of the school, popping into offices and the odd lesson and taking the opportunity to build relationships. Fairly quickly the staff turn the conversation to discussing what tremendous students we have here.
1. Asking students whether they are having a good day. It has been uplifting to see such enthusiasm and genuine commit-ment to the school from the girls. Whilst most have clearly had good summer breaks, they are also really enjoying being back at school. The Year 7’s beaming smiles are a particularly powerful image and my first conversations with the Head Girl Team have also stood out due to their enthusiasm and sense of purpose.
What a great school I have joined!
I wish you a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Alan Roe