GCSE Art Exhibition
DCHS Art Department are proud to announce an exhibition of GCSE Artwork. This display will show-case pieces by all girls who were examined in the subject in the summer of 2015. The quality of work is once again very high, with a diverse range of approaches evident in response to varied themes and starting points. The exhibition will be open to the public during Open Evening and is open for viewing by pupils and staff during school hours on Wednesday and Thursday.
Tennis Success
Congratulations to the Year 8 Aegon tennis teams, Division 1 and Division 2 League winners, a superb result! Click here to read more.
The Forum
Some of you may be aware of an exciting new society in school called The Forum. I began this so students could have a group in which they could discuss and debate current social, economic and political issues. In the first session of this academic year we talked about the migrant crisis in Europe and some very interesting points were raised; Hungary used to have a fence to keep people in during the ‘Cold War’, now the fence is used to keep people out? Continued ..
Lecture Series
got off to an exciting start this week with our first speaker, Lauren Rozwadowski, giving up her time to both speak and perform to the DCHS sixth form. A singer songwriter and ex Chally girl herself Ms Ray talked about her experiences in the music industry; she has worked for PPL and as a data analyst for Warner Music, one of the three main record labels … continued
Many Congratulations
to Ms. Campbell who welcomed Lily Emilia on Saturday 5th September!
Year 7 Parents Social
On Thursday evening we were delighted to welcome our New Year 7 parents to the Challoner's community. The 2015 New Year 7 Social event hosted over 200 parents, they had an opportunity to meet their Form Tutors, Head of Year and The Headteacher. It was wonderful to see our new parents enjoying sharing their experiences from the first week at Challoner's
And Finally
Yesterday the Head, who was wearing his blue and white striped shirt, was very amused to overhear one girl whispering to another in a tone of awe “Wow, the Headteacher even wears a Challoner’s shirt!”