Clarification on location for Amersham Christmas Showcase – 5th December.
We apologise that in last week’s Musical Events letter, the incorrect location was given for the ‘Amersham Christmas Showcase’ on Saturday 5th December. Girls will be performing on a mobile stage which will be parked at the end of Sycamore Road, by ‘The Entertainer’, and not in the High Street as stated. Sorry for any confusion this may have caused, we will look forward to seeing you there!
Christmas Cards
all individually designed Christmas cards must be collected on Monday lunchtime (by the Dining Hall). Last remaining multi-packs of winning design cards also for sale on Monday, £2.50 per pack.
Shop for Challoner's
Winners of the Christmas draws are: The John Lewis festive tray - Jenny Wilson (Carla Wilson in 7A) and the Tesco £25 gift card - Dragana Dja-kovic, (Milana in 10N and Teodora in 7M). The eight Sainsbury's flash drive and pen sets: Kathryn Heffernan (Ruth in 7S); Jo Foster (Sarah in 9P); Fiona Sellers (Isobel in 8C); Holly Vladimirov (Lanie in 7S); Miriam Patterson (Eleanor in 9C and Charis in 7L); Smaragda Georgiou (Elly in 11P); Rebecca White (Tabatha in 9T and India in 7F); Pauline Morgan (Charlotte in 7M). All our winners have been notified by email. Our thanks go to John Lewis, Tesco and Sainsbury's for providing the prizes.