Year 7 Netball v Beaconsfield , a convincing win 20 - 1.
Year 7 Hockey v Great Marlow . A Team won 1 - 0 B Team lost 0 --2
Year 8 netball v Chalfont Community College
A convincing win for both teams playing on a very cold evening, well played to all the girls.
A Team won 23 -1 B Team won 15 -1
Lecture Series
The first lecture of 2016 saw the chief civil servant of the Ministry of Defence, Mr Damian Par-menter, discuss his career experiences with the sixth form. Following thirty years as a civil servant Mr Parment-er acts as an advisor to an array of international affairs groups; he discussed his experience advising Ministers in Parliament, the Foreign Office and with NATO. During his time with the Ministry of Defence he has been the key link between the armed forces and Parliament, advising which course to take in order to keep the country safe. Mr Parmenter urged anyone with an interest in politics, current affairs and serving the country to look into a career with the Ministry of Defence. Following a particularly brilliant round of questions from sixth form, he mentioned how male biased the Ministry of Defence is, something we should definitely aim to change! Next week's lecture will introduce our new Head of Development, Ms Julie Legge and her career experience.
Quiz Night
A reminder that the PA's quiz night is in two weeks' time, on Friday 29th January. See flyer and application for more information and tickets.
And Finally
DCHS welcomed Cheryl Gillan MP to school today … more on the Q&A session Mrs Gillan held with us next week.