St Nicholas Close— Please could we once again remind any parent who uses St Nicholas Close as a drop off or pick up point to be considerate to the residents. We have had a visit from the local Police today as there have been a number of complaints. Thank you for your assistance and consideration.
Thanks – St Barnabas Hospice have sent thanks for the £258.92 raised in memory of Phillipa Madams, former Head of Classics, at our fourth annual Saturnalia Quiz last month. So many thanks to: the Classical Society for organising the evening; all staff (current and former), students and alumnae who attended and local businesses who donat-ed raffle prizes. The quiz was won by ‘Queen Lauren’, a team of alumnae from the Class of 2015, who beat the Class of 2014 by half a point. Well done, Queen Lauren!
Invigilators—We are looking for new examination invigilators to join our excellent existing team. For further information please contact Clare Rees at [email protected] before Friday 5th February .
Physics Easter Revision Courses— for AQA GCSE, iGCSE and A Level at DCGS Amersham with discounts for DCHS pupils. For all details and contacts please click here or email [email protected]