Year 7 Netball
DCHS played St Mary’s on Monday evening. It was a good performance by all the girls with excellent shooting .
DCHS 29 - St Marys - 0
Young Enterprise
One of 3 Young Enterprise companies based at DCHS, were winners of the Best Product category (a Student Advice Handbook for 11-18 year olds) at a recent trade fair in Milton Keynes. This is a great achievement as there were 55 teams from counties in South Central region, including some schools from London.
Lecture Series
This week's lecture series featured Pam Mason who has now worked in the Advertising sector for an impressive forty years. Despite this she said there isn't a day at work where she is bored. This is due to the stimulating, creative and rewarding working environment found in today's Marketing sector. As a creative in the advertising field, Ms Mason is in charge of creating and developing ideas and problem solving client requirements in order to produce a brand she can pitch. She stressed the wide range of companies that require marketing- from Aldi to The Conservative Campaign to The Church of England. With a career in marketing comes vast and exciting opportunities to travel, however you need to be willing to devote a lot of your time into your work- at one point in her career Ms Mason commented how if you weren't at your desk at eight in the evening it was noted! Ms Mason also found in her experience that it is important to be the right person for marketing in order to enjoy it- you must be curious, able to make links, and, for her role, creative. Most importantly, qualifications and how academically gifted you are is irrelevant- although getting into advertising agencies is notoriously difficult. Interesting questions from the sixth form included asking Ms Mason's opinions on the beach body advertising cam-paign and what it's like advertising a product you may not agree with or like. On behalf of sixth form, a huge thank you to Ms Mason for sharing her expertise and inspiring students to research further into marketing as a career.
There is no Lecture Series next week due to mocks, so enjoy your half term!
The Sixth Form Economics classes were fortunate enough to have Andy Lebrecht come to School to discuss the economic and political implications of the 'Brexit'. Mr Lebrecht was the United Kingdom's Deputy Permanent Representative to the European Union from 2008 to 2012, re-sponsible for promoting UK interests to all the EU institutions and negotiating legislation on Environment and Climate change, Internal Market, Energy, Employment and Fisheries policies amongst other things Prior to that he was Director-General for Farming and Food at the Department of Environ-ment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). In his talk, the reasons why Britain should stay or leave the European Union were debated. Notable points as to why the UK would benefit by staying in the EU were the advantages of a single market, free movement of goods and services, capital and labour and that “the EU amplifies our voice on a world stage”. However, there are considerable drawbacks with our large budget contribution and loss of sovereign-ty. Mr Lebrecht brought to light the short and the long term impacts of the UK leaving the EU, giving us plenty to think about. Thank you to Mrs Glen for organising the talk and we all anticipate the EU referendum! Yasmin Muneer 13.6
Cross Country
Minor Team (Year 7’s) – the team ran really well with some girls having their first run out for the school. Excellent performances from Jinaan Lockwood and Katie Repper secured the teams 2nd place in the team competition. Well done to all the runners on a tough course!
Junior Team (Year 8/9) – A superb run from the team despite two casualties throughout the race. Excellent performances from Millie Hughes, Olivia Cameron, Soraya Lockwood and Emily Sankey saw the team win the team trophy for the 2nd year running. Olivia, Millie and Soraya also selected to run for Bucks at the England Schools Competition. Well done to all the runners.
Intermediate (Year11) – Congratulations to Maddie Lacey (4th) and Orla Fawcett (5th) who ran an extremely well fought race over tough conditions. Both girls have been selected to run for Bucks at the English Schools Championships. Well done!