On the final day before half-term I was delighted to welcome Year 11 for our inaugural ‘Into the Sixth Day’. The day was designed to give our Year 11 students a taste of life in the Sixth Form at DCHS and to enable them to hone the skills required for A level study. The two years spent in the Sixth Form are so very different to the years spent in the lower school and we felt it imperative to give Year 11 an understanding of the independent approach, the self-discipline, the teamwork and the keen sense of fun required to get the most from Year 12 & 13.
In teams students were given a brief to design, brand and market a new soft drink concept. From the outset the teams were in-credible, fuelled by the ability to make endless cups of tea and coffee (a key Sixth Form perk) and in classic Challoner’s style pow-ered by copious cake the team leaders conducted highly professional planning sessions. Watching Year 11 work together, identify-ing the strengths of their team-mates and splitting into highly effective sub-teams was awe-inspiring; there were no Apprentice-esque hour-long discussions about team-names or blame culture, instead keen competitiveness drove their work ethic.
Following lunch in the village (another Sixth Form perk) the teams finalised their market-stalls and perfected their pitches. Their social media campaigns were a particular triumph (#intothesixth) the winning team were approached by Holland and Barrett about stocking their health drink whilst another group were followed on Twitter by a dragon from Dragon’s Den! Our judges in-cluded experts from Young Enterprise – a business scheme which many of our Year 12’s are involved in. The judges were astound-ed at the quality and creativity from all the groups; they even felt that some of the teams would have been successful at the re-gional finals of Young Enterprise which take place after six months of work!
As participants I found Year 11 to be enthusiastic, creative and tremendous fun. On reflection the girls found that hard work and self-discipline are undoubtedly required for Sixth Form success but also discovered the need for creativity, getting involved and huge enthusiasm. Well done Year 11, I feel incredibly excited and privileged to welcome such a fantastic group of girls into the Sixth Form in September.
Nicola George
Director of Sixth Form
Congratulations to our winning team – Zoetic and to Bolt, the worthy runners up! Thank you to the judges for giving their time and expertise.