French Exchange
After months of emails and excitement, last Tuesday saw the start of the week long French exchange. Thirty girls from year ten travelled to Versailles to meet their French exchanges, anxiously anticipating greeting their families. Soon we arrived and were met with the challenges of immersing ourselves in French culture and language, we explored Versailles and the surrounding area with visits to the Chateau, Châtres, and a French school and cinema, as well as a day out with our exchanges, when many of us took the opportunity to visit Paris or explore the markets of Versailles. The week passed in a flurry of excitement and fun, we all thoroughly enjoyed the trip and would like to thank all the teachers that helped organise the trip for us. We are all now eagerly anticipating the arrival of our French exchanges and hope that they will enjoy England as much as we enjoyed France. Ellen Walkin
You may think our girls need no practice when it comes to speaking their mind... However when it's all in another language and on topics as wide as: styles of family life, tourism, problems of drug addiction and smoking, the joys and curses of the new technology era...they need to work at it! Here are our won-derful Year 12s, in speed-dating format, doing quick fire questions and answers in a French lesson this week, in readiness for the real orals. They are becoming really fluent now, it's a pleasure to behold. Bravo les filles!
Café Scientifique
On Tuesday 8th March, DCHS Café Scientifique hosted Professor Paul Freemont from Imperial College London to speak on the topic of Syn-thetic Biology. Professor Freemont explained to us the importance of the rising increase in new biotechnologies, as we move into the Biological Era compared to the previous Electronics and Information Era. He also spoke about a project involving Biosensors which can be used to detect Diabetes, as well as the enzymes found in the larvae of parasites which then go on to infect water supplies projects, which could be used to benefit the field of healthcare. Thank you to everyone who attended- it was our biggest turnout yet! By Emily Hopwood and Scarlett Robinson, Café Scientifique Leads
Year 7 District Hockey Tournament
Two teams played in the District tournament last week at Marlow Hockey Club. The A team played in a highly competitive pool winning one game and losing two. Excellent play by all the girls: Tara Offside ,Jocelyn Shih ,Eve Rollafson, Jinaan Lockwood, Flo Mason, Fearna Scott, Maya Davis. The team finished 4th overall.
The B team played two games in their pool, winning them both. they met Wycombe High in the semi-final winning 2 - 0. The final against Aylesbury was fiercely contested resulting in a 1 -1 draw. Despite penalty strokes taken we unfortunately lost 0 -3. It was still great play by all the team: Olivia Lee, Abbie Deadman, Rachel Burn, Erin Ozsanlav, Emily Austin, Kali Georgellis, Carla Wilson. Many thanks to Mrs Davis for her support umpiring and organising the team.
Under 12 District Netball Tournament
Double wins for both A and B teams and a sensational Saturday for DCHS.
A team. Cup winners. The A team won their pool convincingly winning all 5 games , superb shooting by Abbie Deadman and Anand Kaur. The semi finals played against Chesham Grammar School was a comfortable win leading us to meet Beaconsfield High in the final. The squad played with such determination and drive that they were too strong for BHS. It was a fantastic win , well deserved and a superb end to the netball season. Well played to : Abbie Deadman, Anand Kaur, Danni Crosbie, Anya Douglas, Freya Sherlock, Erin Ozsanlav, Emily Harris, Emily Jones.
B team. Plate winners . The B team had a very exciting morning with some very tight games in their pool. However with excellent team work and con-sistent shooting by Sarah Tariq and Amelia Lawther the team reached the plate final and won! A superb effort by all the girls and special thanks to Amy Bower for managing and organising the Year 7 team. Well played to : Sarah Tariq, Amelia Lawther, Eloise Prescott, Jinaan Lockwood, Lucy Dodd, Erin Tosh, Liberty Schurer, Flo Mason, Megan Cockram.
On Saturday a fun squash tournament was held for 11 year 7 girls at Chesham Bois Squash Club. It was the last of 6 squash sessions in the sports hall and was the first time most of the girls had been on a squash court. Everyone improved loads and seemed to have a great time. Special mention to Kalli for winning the tournament. Alice and Izzy
Challoner’s Ski Trip 2016 – Pampeago, Italy
Bright and early on the morning of 12th February, 41 Challoner’s girls gathered in the school turning circle, alongside three members of the PE staff, bursting with excitement and raring to get up the mountains and into the snow. After a short drive, some duty free bargains and a quick bite to eat, we all climbed aboard our flight to Venice, and off we went. Read more here.
A Note from the Head Girl Team (Susie Cook – Student Welfare and PSHE)
There are a few things you are expected to do within this role, such as organise volunteers for sixth form induction day and oversee 11+ day in September. There is also a lot of freedom for your own ideas! For instance, I have been working on my idea for an agony aunt style email which will provide an avenue for girls to receive support for any issues - I’m hoping that this will be able to be start very soon. I think it’s important to raise awareness for mental health and eating disorder issues. I put into practice an idea suggested to me by a friend, by putting up awareness posters in the school toilets which enable girls to discretely access important charity info and helplines.