As part of London Fashion Week
held last week, myself and several other DCHS girls took part in a fashion show at The Dorches-ter Hotel. We had all attended ‘Future of Fashion’ courses run by designer Debbie Wingham. Debbie is famous for designing the world’s most expensive dress which is worth £11m and is embellished with rare black and red diamonds.
On the course we designed and made our own collection of garments based on themes such as Grecian, 1920s and Punk which we then modelled as part of LFW. We had professional hair and make-up done for the show and modelled our garments on the catwalk in front of fashionistas, parents and friends.
Gabby Whitaker 8P, Peren Quy-Binnion 8C, Francesca Stephens 8T and several other Challoner’s girls also took part in the event. We had a fabulous experience and can proudly say that we have been part of the first ever showcase of children’s designs at the prestigious London Fashion Week.
Sophia Kalha 8
Macmillan Cake Sale
On Friday 25th September the Year 12 A-Level Business class participated in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morn-ing. This was an exciting challenge for us as we got to organise all aspects of the event, including dividing out jobs such as buying the ingredients making the products and marketing the event. All together our net profit was £100.39. We would like to thank Mrs Glen for all of her help and everyone who supported the event. “Raising money? A piece of cake”
Becky Year 12 Business class
Teacher Training places 2016-2017 Astra Alliance
Applications for 2016 / 17 recruitment in both primary and secondary sub-jects will open through UCAS on 27th October (www.ucas.com). Bursary-led / fee funded places will be available at Dr Challoner's High School in the following subjects: Art & Design, Chemistry, Computing, Science, English, History, Music and PE. Please see the Schools Direct tab on our website for more information
Economic Class Debate: Nationalisation vs Privatisation
This week during The Forum we held a debate about whether public services should be nationalised. The two Year 13 Economics classes each provided insightful arguments with both political and economic ground-ings, including interesting comments on the positive externalities of public transport and the benefits of competition in industry. Due to their convincing rebuttals and consistent argument, the majority of audience votes went to the pro-nationalisation team. It was fun to have a slightly different forum. Next week we return to the usual format and look forward to a group discussion.
Emily Brazier
Years 8 and 10 netball teams played in their first league game on Thursday evening against Misbourne
Year 8 won 18 -5 and Year 10 won 39 -1. It was an excellent start to the season and well played to all the girls.
Lunchtime Recital at Amersham Free Church - Tuesday 29th September 2015
The first of this year’s series of lunchtime recitals at Amersham Free Church was given by some of our Year 10 GCSE musicians. Having made such a fantastic start to their GCSE studies, and with Performance accounting for 30% of their course, it was wonderful to be able to showcase their talents in an informal, public concert this week. One of the performers commented on the way back to school how lovely it was to share the diversity of one another’s musical interests both stylistically and instrumentally and I would have to agree. Full article here
Lecture Series
The sixth form were treated to an interactive session on the benefits of modern languages in the lecture series this week. Kari Koonin led the talk, a freelance translator who, after studying German and Russian at University, went on to use her language skills as a multilingual secretary before moving to translation. She has worked in Austria, Holland where she learnt Dutch, and Johannesburg where she gained a fluency in Afrikaans. We were privileged to hear about her experiences of different cultures and how this developed her passion for languages. Full article here
DCHS U14 Hockey
The team played their first fixture of the season against Wycombe High School on Tuesday. In the first half we let in three goals and were feeling very defeated, however in the second half we picked ourselves up and started to work on what we had been learning in training, intensity and moving as a team. Emily Mann scored a screamer and Emily Sankey was awarded the player of the match from Wycombe High. The final score was 1-4. We all played our hardest and we hope to carry on playing like we did in the second half, we will work on positioning in training but if we keep our heads up high then nothing can stop us.
Amy Hamill, Year 9
And Finally
Parents of pupils in Years 7 and 8 had a really informative presentation on e-safety on Thursday evening. Gareth Cort from Childnet.com finished with these words of wisdom:
‘Children may know a lot about technology but you know a lot about life’
All the leaflets and materials from the evening can be found here