You can access the full school calendar on the Parent Gateway or by clicking here. Please email us at [email protected]
Advance Warning, Little Chalfont Community Library: Building work is starting on 12th October on an extension to house a purpose designed computer suite. The new computer suite will be located immediately in front of the children’s section of the Library and will house an increased number of public access PCs. The Library will remain open during the building work but some access paths will be closed for safety reasons
Year 8 & 9 Homework Timetables: on the Parent Gateway
Judo: At DCHS we have enjoyed a large number of new members who all are very keen to learn about Judo. This club, in just three years has grown to be the largest female only club in the UK. All of us, including the PE department at DCHS are very proud. For more information please contact [email protected]
House Dance: 15th October is house dance competition time for the girls, and the staff have a look at the wonderful promo video
InTouch—a reminder to all parents; please don’t reply to our InTouch communications as we are not able to access the replies. Please only send your communications to [email protected] where we can be sure they are dealt with and directed to the appropriate member of staff. Thank you.
Christmas Fayre—please make a note of the date, Sunday 22nd November, 11:00—3:00 pm. If you can help, either practically or with sponsor-ship please email [email protected]. This event is shaping up to be really great.
Music fees for the Autumn Term are now due. Emails were sent to parents last Friday 24th September detailing the amount to be paid. Thank you to everyone who has already made their payment – we do appreciate your prompt payments! Please note that these emails were sent to the parent who is the 1st priority contact on our database, so if you have not received an email please do check in case another family mem-ber may have received it. Any queries regarding music fees can be sent to [email protected].
Year 7 A Night at the Musicals—more information here