Teacher of Computing—We are currently advertising for a part time / fixed term Teacher of Computing to start in February when Mr Williams leaves DCHS to begin a new adventure New Zealand. Please click for here for details.
Ad-Hoc Cover Supervisors—We are looking for ad-hoc Cover Supervisors to join us in January, details of this vacancy are on our website.
Farewell—we wish James Heath all the very best as he takes up his new post at St Mary’s School in Gerrards Cross and thank him for his dedication and excellent Geogra-phy teaching. James has been a strong Head of Department, with exam results at GCSE and A Level being excellent. Thanks and Best Wishes to Chris Evans as she leaves us from a maternity cover post, she will be missed for her professionalism and her humour.
School Office— the school office will be closed from 2:00 pm on Friday 18th January—8:30 am on Tuesday 5th January inclusive for any telephone queries. Emails will be monitored over the Christmas break and if you have anything urgent, please do e mail [email protected] and we will do our best to assist.
Appointment of Assistant Head: we are pleased to announce that Mrs Nicola Renyard will be our new Assistant Head from May. Nicola is currently at Dr Chal-loner's Grammar School in Amersham and is in her fifth year as Head of Humanities. Nicola is a first rate teacher who is charismatic, very popular and well respected and also comes with extensive experience with Building Learning Power and e-learning, including significant and longstanding involvement with whole-school initiatives. Above all though, Nicola loves schools and young people and will be a real asset to DCHS.