Young Leaders
On Monday 4th January, 70 Young leaders sacrificed their lie in and came to train to be a First Aider or a Basketball Activator Leader. Students from DCHS and The Chalfont Community College were put through their paces and 10 leaders successfully passed their Basket-ball Leaders Qualification and 60, their First Aid in either Sports Injury or Early Childcare.
The students were a delight to work with and the tutors gave the following feedback:
“They were a lovely group to coach.”
“Attentive, enquiring, capable and excellent teamwork.”
“They picked up the coaching section very quickly and worked hard and well on feedback and progressing drills." Coach Peter Jenner.
"Just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you for yesterday. It was a great day and all the girls are to be commended on their endeavours." Ross Abbott, St John Ambulance First Aid Trainer.
IT/Computing guru wanted!
Over the years I have met many parents who have worked in computing and have kindly offered to help within the Com-puter Science department. With Mr Williams’ departure at the end of February, we are looking for some part-time help with KS3 classes during the second half of the spring term and the summer term. If you feel you could help in any way, please contact me (Mrs Dunbar - [email protected]) and I can give you more detailed infor-mation.
Quiz Night
The PA's popular quiz night is coming up again on 29th January. Don't miss out on this event - see the PA website to down-load the flyer and application form.
Swimming Championships
Brodie Judge in Year 9 competed in the National Winter Short Course Swimming Championships in Sheffield at the end of last term. Swimming in the Junior Under 16 category Brodie achieved personal best times in most of her events, on the last day qualifying for the Open Age Group B final in the 50m freestyle. She was the only 14 year old to qualify for the finals of this event, and went on to win the Junior silver medal in a time of 25.88 - a new Middlesex County and London Region record. Brodie and fellow DCHS pupil Lucy Thornton also swam for the Ealing team in the Female Open 4x100m freestyle relay, qualifying for the final and coming 6th overall in the country. Brodie then travelled to Liverpool where she took part in the England talent training camp! Congratulations to Brodie and Lucy on their dedication and commitment.
Jayne Eyre at The National
On the evening of January 5th, Y12 English Literature students attended The National Theatre’s striking production of Jane Eyre. Susan Cookson’s direction emphasised the psychological journey of the young woman and Michael Vale’s spare set design allowed room for physi-cal interpretations that used dance in many scenes. The inclusion of music and songs also gave the students food for thought as we considered how we might discuss this interpretation in examination essays. Some comments from Y12 students included:
“The use of music was very good to portray the emotions.”
“Bronte’s book was symbolically brought to life. The levels in the staging highlighted status and dominance in society in the past.”
“I think that the production was very hit-and-miss. Some aspects, such as the characterisation of Rochester and the focus of Jane’s struggle as a woman were done perfectly. Other aspects, such as the almost constant music and setting were too obvious. Some portrayals of the novel were inaccurate.”
And Finally
Question: Strangest (but still lovely) Christmas present received by a member of staff from the girls?
Answer: 2 Goldfish